Info! Check in here to learn about new Events, scheduled activities, and simply what's new at The Dude Ranch!
Bookmark this page NOW so you can find it! Any questions? Click on CONTACT above or call us at 1-804-798-7900! We're delighted to help!  Thanks!
Returning Soon - Conformation is heating up! Watch for our CONFORMATION CLASS RESTART! All classes to be taught by AKC JUDGES!
NATIONAL PET WEEK - Special events happening at the Ranch the week of 9/21 through 9/27 including FREE CGC Testing and more! Call for more information.
Back To School.   
Pups joining us for DayCare during National Pet Week will have their photo taken for free in our BACK TO SCHOOL setting, and posted to Facebook and Instagram!
Returning Soon - Conformation is heating up! Watch for our CONFORMATION CLASS RESTART! All classes to be taught by AKC JUDGES!
10/17 - RDOC's Dave & Joanie will be running both an Obedience and a Rally session here at the Ranch! PUBLIC WELCOME! Come practice under their tutelage!
10/19 - Come join us at the RICHMOND MOON MARKET (taking place at Stone Brewery) for a true halloween community outreach. Vendors, Music & More. GREAT PUP COSTUME CONTEST!
10/31 - Thursday 10/31 is just before the big VIRGINIA DERBY annual Rally and Obedience trial weekend! We'll have the ring setup
for you to practice in actual 'show settings'. No judges - just open ring time! $10 per dog starting at 3pm. Until 7pm. CALL FOR MORE INFO!
11/1-3 Fri/Sat/Sun - AKC ALL BREED Obedience & Rally Trials   Annual Fall Virginia AKC GOLD CUP Obedience & Rally trials (3-days!).
Click to get the premium HERE.
11/22 - 11/30 - Thanksgiving Holiday!  Don't forget to make your lodging reservations early. Reserve Now!
11/27 - 11/28 - Order your PET FRIENDLY THANKSGIVING DINNER! Ensure you get your doggy-safe meal Wednesday or Thursday! ORDER EARLY!
Returning Soon - Conformation is heating up! Watch for our CONFORMATION CLASS RESTART! All classes to be taught by AKC JUDGES!
12/1 - SANTA-PAWS!   Santa returns to the Dude Ranch for his annual photo-shoot with you and your pet! You can drop-in,
or call for reservations for this great PHOTO-OP. He'll be indoors here at the Ranch from Noon. More information coming! Open to all!
12/20 - 1/6 - Christmas/New Years Holiday!  Don't forget to make your lodging reservations early!