Info! Check in here to learn about new Events, scheduled activities, and simply what's new at The Dude Ranch!
Bookmark this page NOW so you can find it! Any questions? Click on CONTACT above or call us at 1-804-798-7900! We're delighted to help!  Thanks!
10/6 - 1st Friday of the Month Run-throughs.    Join us on the First Friday of each month for open Run-throughs.
AKC Obedience and Rally Run-throughs executed by AKC judges! Flat Rate - all the runs you want!
11/3 - 1st Friday of the Month Run-throughs.    Join us on the First Friday of each month for open Run-throughs.
AKC Obedience and Rally Run-throughs executed by AKC judges! Flat Rate - all the runs you want!
11/3-4-5 Fri/Sat/Sun - AKC ALL BREED Obedience & Rally Trials   Annual Fall AKC Obedience & Rally trials (3-days!).
Click to get the premium HERE.
11/26 - SANTA-PAWS!   Santa returns to the Dude Ranch for his annual photo-shoot with you and your pet! You can drop-in,
or call for reservations for this great PHOTO-OP. More information coming! Open to all!
11/19 - 11/30 - Thanksgiving Holiday!  Don't forget to make your lodging reservations early!
12/1 - 1st Friday of the Month Run-throughs.    Join us on the First Friday of each month for open Run-throughs. ON HOLD DUE TO COVID RESTRICTIONS
12/21 - 1/2 - Christmas/New Years Holiday!  Don't forget to make your lodging reservations early!